i. What does it mean if I am on probation?
Ans. If you have been placed on academic probation, it means your cumulative GPA (CGPA) has dropped below 2.00. Probation is an indication from the university that you must increase your CGPA to 2.00 or above to remain part of the university. Boosting your CGPA will require not only accelerated effort on your part but a well-structured academic plan for the semester. To help get back on track you can create an academic plan with an Academic Advisor.
ii. How do I calculate my GPA?
Ans. Your cumulative grade point average (GPA) is the average of grade point values you earned in the credit courses you took. You can also use the CGPA Calculator.
iii. What support is offered to students on probation?
Ans. Students are placed on academic probation at the end of the Fall or Spring semester when their Cumulative GPA is less than 2.00. Students on academic probation and warning are required to have their mandatory meeting with the Academic Advisor (Ms. Eilya Mohsin: eilya.mohsin@lums.edu.pk) for proper advisement and guidance. You must also understand and utilize the campus resources to safely reach a good academic standing. The Learning Mentoring Center, CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), and the Career Services Office can also help you improve your academic success.