i. Who can I contact for career advice?
Ans. MGSHSS Careers Center: mgshss.careers@lums.edu.pk has been set up keeping in perspective various concerns of current students (all levels) regarding career planning and readiness. Please email the Center for an in-person or virtual appointment.
ii. Do I need career counseling when deciding on a major or around graduation?
Ans. If you are truly clear about your career path and have done well in the courses related to your major – you need not worry about it. However, if you are unsure about your career path and have questions hovering around, you must contact the MGSHSS Careers Center: at mgshss.careers@lums.edu.pk for a detailed meeting.
iii. Can I discuss my career prospects with my faculty advisor?
Ans. Absolutely. Faculty advisors provide ongoing consultation to help their students develop comprehensive, long-range academic and career plans that align with the student’s career goals.
iv. My parents are pressuring me to stay in a major that I do not like because they believe it will help me get a decent job when I graduate. What should I do?
Ans. Talk to your parents about your interest and be honest with them. If you are struggling in your current major, share that too. Doing research into employment opportunities may help them understand that other programs can also lead to prospective career opportunities. If you need help making an informed decision about your major and discussing career options, contact the Academic Advisors in MGSHSS AAU.