i. How can I ensure that I get my preferred major?
Ans. As outlined in the Student Handbook, you get to declare your major in your respective department after completing two years in MGSHSS. You must submit a minimum of three preferences on Zambeel. The decision is announced by the school. For specific requirements, check the Student Handbook.
ii. Please let me know how many outgroup courses am I supposed to take if I intend to major in English? And is it necessary that I take them from all schools?
Ans. All MGSHSS students must complete three courses as outgroups. It is your choice to enroll in courses from one school or different. All 100, 200, and 300 level courses count towards outgroups.
Outgroup requirements are different for HSS (Anthropology/Sociology, English, History, Political Science, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies) and ECON (Economics, Politics and Economics, Economics and Mathematics) departments. Please refer to the Distribution table given in the Student Handbook.
iii. If I enroll in a cross-listed HIST/LAW course, will it count as my outgroup?
Ans. Please note that if you take a cross-listed course (HIST/LAW), it will NOT be counted as an outgroup for a History major even if you take it with a Law prefix. As a rule, if you are trying to enroll in a course cross-listed with your major then it cannot be counted as an outgroup.
iv. I am a Junior majoring in Political Science, does Pre-calculus (Math 100) count as an outgroup course for me?
Ans. Pre-calculus fulfills the STEM requirement and free electives, not an outgroup.
v. I am an MGSHSS student and want to transfer to another school. My CGPA is 3.5. What are my chances of getting in? Do I still need a backup plan?
Ans. Inter-School transfers depend on if the department is taking any applications and if seats are available. It is important that you have a backup major preference to avoid feeling discouraged if the application does not go through.
Part of the transfer application is that you submit a graduation plan. For each school, please contact their Advising Unit.
vi. As a student from another school, when and how can I apply for a transfer into MGSHSS?
Ans. All those students who wish to transfer into MGSHSS must complete the following criteria:
1) Completion of first-year MGSHSS core buckets, i.e., the three MGSHSS core buckets of Arts and Humanities (e.g., REL, HIST, CLCS, PHIL, ENGL);
2) Social and Behavioral Sciences (e.g., POL, PSY, SOC, ANTH, ECON); and STEM (e.g., MATH, BIO, PHY, CHEM, SCI).
3) Completion of at least one course in the program/major to which they want to be eligible for a transfer. An inter-school transfer is allowed at the end of the first year (only for HSS) and the end of sophomore year (for both HSS and Econ ) depending on the seats open.
4) In case any application is rejected for a first-year student for HSS, they are allowed to re-apply for a transfer in their sophomore year in both HSS and ECON, depending on the seats open.
Since part of the transfer application is a graduation plan, we would advise that you set up an appointment with the MGSHSS AAU in Fall before the enrollment cycle so we can guide you on the courses required.
vii. I need a course for my program, and it is full; what should I do?
Ans. It is part of the student experience that students may or may not get some oversubscribed courses. You may try in different semesters otherwise, choose the next best course option.
viii. Can I change my major?
Ans. It may be possible to change your major, but it becomes difficult as you advance further in your current major – especially if the majors are vastly different in nature. It is important to pursue a major that is a good fit for you. If you are concerned about changing your major, speak with the MGSHSS AAU Staff. Please also refer to the Student Handbook regarding the major change procedure.